Tuesday, March 25, 2008

no shit, Einstein.

Photobucket I got a very interesting email today. I refused the advances of somebody so i was insulted;

"Wewe ni nyee (You're bollocks). That's why you don't have a boyfriend. Think."

I think for some reason this is supposed to give me sleepless nights. All i know is, my gut instinct was right from the off set.


Anonymous said...

This shows that you're grown Candy...
not giving a shyte huh!

Unknown said...

Be strong those are just debes... When you dont give them a minute they will bury themselves. Lovely week.

Anonymous said...

it definately was right... that was real imaturity on his part and definately not a man, at least one with a backbone.

Anonymous said...

Bravo dahling!!

Mwangi said...

That's so petty and sad!

KK said...

I like your gut.... sic!..it's instinct rather. Always great to have you stop by:)

Anonymous said...

Listen to your heart kinda shit huh. You did see it coming. Silly sad sod.

Anonymous said...

I think you are well rid, Candbybox

candybox said...

Mrb2b its good to be all grown huh?

nakeel empty debes indeed

sybella he's a boy in a mans body

beth thankyou

mwangi tell me about it

kk tsk tsk (shaking head)

mshairi hear, hear

31337 nuh the heart tends to be deceived alot.

Anonymous said...

pliz le me laugh first..I needed comic releif..this is so it!!!my pal wrote a note..ati one of the things guys should get used to is rejection..and not turn to insults later...sheesh..very immature of him...if I were u I'd have fallen on the floor laughing...

thats what is referred to as Jinga-DNA (sad but true!). Bravo!

Anonymous said...

You did the right thing... that guy is just a louse

Maua said...

He's gud evidence why we are single.

candybox said...

val jinga DNA indeed. I'm still laughing as well.

be silent just like the ones that linger on hair

maua that's right. Imagine him thinking he's catch of the day. How now?

candybox said...

val jinga DNA indeed. I'm still laughing as well.

be silent just like the ones that linger on hair

maua that's right. Imagine him thinking he's catch of the day. How now?

Anonymous said...


That guy don't R.E.S.P.E.C.T your NO. That is trouble right there.

U have saved yourself from having to sweep the trash out in future!

Flourishing Florida said...

see wahala o! abi love na by force? nonsense. abeg, pay him no mind really. it's wot we call 'bad-belle' here in nigeria