Thursday, February 14, 2008

on my deathbed

I think im nearing my final days. Everything hurts - literally. The only bit that isn't in pain is my hair. Which is a pity seeing as that is the only part of me that i wouldn't mind hacking off with a pair of blunt scissors.

I suspect the flu but haven't bothered to see my GP. He is what i would politely refer to as an asshole. Arrogant, little shit!!! I think i feel better already after venting. Been self medicating for the last 2 days, but the relief is temporary. Will probably go to A&E and wait it out. With any luck i'll pass out at the reception so i wont have to wait all day to see a doctor. If you live in UK you know what im talking about.

Let me entertain you with a list of my symptoms:
- swollen tonsils
-sore neck
-arm and thigh muscles ache
-wrist, elbow, knee joints ache
-loss of appetite (3 days and counting, but may be my weight loss programme)
-cold sweats

Enough said. As you can tell im having a ball. Maybe i'll come back and write my eulogy, you know, get my affairs in order. I've always wanted to say that.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Candybox, I know what it feels like at these receptions...

Sorry about the way u feel...but lemme suggest something I know u have already thought about...a pregnancy test...may clear so much.

Lol. Get better soon.

Now lemme read the rest of yo posts.

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot to add a name...


Anonymous said...

Ah! So sorry love. It's no better here in the States. I've been lucky, but I've had 2 sick children and am now exhausted.

Get well!

candybox said...

@ buttercookie aka cheri what pregnancy? Would have to the 2nd immaculate conception in history lol.
@ beth this has got be the worst vals' for you - kids not well, spend evening with exe... hope the weekend has better prospects now that you're socialising more

candybox said...

Forgot to add - Got a house call from my ex "herbal doctor". Had forgotten about the effects of a good spliff when you're at deaths door. Several hours later and im back to my old self

Anonymous said...

hospitals in the UK suck..big time..I could bitch forever...hope you're feeling better though

Anonymous said... what do i get? :o)

Anonymous said...

@ tallb get for what exactly

Mo said...

Hope you're feeling better. *hug*