Sunday, February 24, 2008


Got the heading for my post then went blank.................. aiiiiiiii this is not fun. Aki val i'm not sure if im loving you right now. Anyway here goes nothing:

The rules
Link to the person who tagged you .
Post the rules on your blog.
Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
Tag six random people at the end of your blog by linking to their blogs.
Let each random person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

My and my hair don't really care for each other that much. It's a love/hate relationship. More love from me, but don't listen sweetie i'm only telling them what they want to hear. You know i love you really.

I'll prostitute myself to anyone as long as they cook for me. I hate anything that has to do with the kitchen - cooking, washing up, etc

I'm a bit OCD. Nothing serious, but if i was to have mental breakdown that would be it.

I'm a bottom presser, toothpaste i.e. Can't bear it when someone presses my toothpaste at the bottom or middle. Drives me insane. But i feel gleefully naughty when staying over at someone's and i middle press. Go figure.

I'm not good at keeping in touch with people. If i don't see you for more than 2 month, then don't be expecting me to call you. I don't seem to have a valid reason for not calling other than i don't have anything to talk about. I abhor small talk.

I'm one of those annoying know-it-alls. A jack of all trades but a master of none. I always seem to have an opinion about something or nothing. I'm hardly ever wrong, atleast in my opinion.

I'm not a people person. Seriously, i don't like people especially strangers who want to make small talk. If it wasn't for my best friend i wouldn't have people i know.

Ok that was 7, but who's counting.
Whom to tag is the big 'un


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

i got a vaccine for tagging if u want it

candybox said...

Is that so. Pray,tell!!

the antipop said...

no. i am THE bottom-presser. infact,i invented bottom pressing. i am a freak like that. i even go topeople's homes and squeeze THEIR toothpaste back from the bottom. i literally hurt when i find toothpaste, creams, lotions, violated like that.
tx for tagging me

Anonymous said...

lol... like the bit of i will prostitute myself to be cooked for...

as for the tagging, wondering what i can come up with...

Anonymous said...

I was just about to tag thee, but I see you've already done the needful!

gishungwa said...

Bottom presser LOL, you just naughty. My Hair. only got love when its behaving else there is no way.
Off to work on my tag.

Anonymous said...

"I'm not a people person. .."lol...I feel you on that one right are you back to loving me now???lol

trying to understand ur toothpaste mentality:)

Tandra said...

cant believe my comment wasnt posted!!

arent u lucky u got a best friend lol

Anonymous said...

the toothpaste thing proves u sure are OCD...and i soooo love cooking!!!

candybox said...

@antipop Forgot about the creams and lotions lol. You're welcome.

@sybella I kid you not about that.

@archer you snooze you loose. lol

@gishungwa waiting to read it

@val Don't try to understand it cos neither do i. My love for you is strong si you're my other twin.

@tandra boggles my mind that she's still talks to me, but i guess she gets my madness.

@neema Can i move in with you please, i'll be your slave if you want. I'm very serious.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tag... I might get to it. I'm having serious computer issues lately. Stupid machine.