Tuesday, April 29, 2008

politics, shpolitics my arse

So had my girlie drink which was long overdue. It was a case of, "Ok last drink then we've got to go", "Ok last round". That lasted 4hrs. 4 short hours. It was well worth suffering today at work. I think these things should not be held out for so long cos that's when you end up staying longer than is sensible. Trying to catch up on the last few months. Nuff said.

This has really got my back up. Talk about spin doctoring. A black soldier wounded at war, Prince Harry makes a fuss. Abracadabra and who's the daddy.... headlines. I commend the soldier for "believing" in something so passionately he's willing to give his life, but i wonder, was the fuss genuine or was it about spinning?

This was how i broke it down; young black soldier wounded at war, he takes the same flight home as Prince Harry, Harry gets home and the spin doctors tell him this is a great angle to work, visit him in hospital, make a big fuss about him being your hero and voila HEADLINES. How many have died? How many have been wounded? Why am i supposed to care about him more than the others? What about the ones who've been back shafted bila KY jelly? Are they less important? How come they didn't make it onto the news, every last one?

There is a reason why i don't bother with politics. It's always about working an angle and assuming the general public has the IQ level below that of an average house plant. So when people get into a heated argument about politics, i think they need some sense knocked into their so called intellectual brains. Why would anyone of sound mind and body need to sit and discuss the pros and cons of some ego maniacal, bigoted retard?

Don't tell me about it, don't discuss it with me, get your finger out of your arse and do something about it.


Cheri said...

Man, this shd be on the previous post but...

I read with horror of that chic and how her father treated her...7 children out of incest...man, this guy needs to have his balls sliced with a new razor blade and left out to bleed to death.
that wont even hurt him as much..

I read that he burnt his dead child ina furnace cuz he couldn't bury it as it'd bring light to what the girl was going thru..

Anonymous said...

anything about those princes is plain publicity stunts...i also hate politics!!!

candybox said...

Cheri lol you can post anywhere you want baby girl. As long as you post

Neema tusker baridi coming up for you.

Mwangi said...

Politics. The one place where grown men turn into irrational kids at the drop of a hat under the guise of being smart.

Anonymous said...

As much as i agree with you afadhali them at least they are actually in the war as opposed to all the other nincompoops who are pro-war but will have none of their children standing up to go to war!

candybox said...

Mwangi i couldn't have said it better if i'd tried....well i did try and didn't

Seinlife i might not agree with some stands people take, but atleast they aren't preaching at me. My bugbear is with the nincompoops and the spin doctors. Which is why i said, "...get your finger out..."

Anonymous said...

I am still in shock from the last post BUT this ,this,this- wait, please tell me you didn;t pay real money to read the Sun.I guess they thought this was a better headline than "Prince Harry falls out of another club".
Liking your take on life.

Anonymous said...

politics, governments, corporations; all of them operate on the key terms 'public perception' hence they employ all type of propaganda to garner positive perception.

surprisingly it works since the common citizen (especially in the US) is misinformed but led to believe they know everything there is to know....

the antipop said...

you really are pissed these days candybox...

candybox said...

3toc lmao no it didn't cost me a penny. Its just that they've been going on and on and on about it on the news and it was starting to irritate me so i googled and voila, it was the Sun that came up.

3n i'm sure it works that's why they never stop. So i wonder; is it them that are retarded or is it really us?

Antipop LOL i'm not pissed, far from it. I just don't like being taken for a mug. The closest i've come to being pissed was when i wrote ITS A RANT.

Unknown said...

I hate politics too. Prince Harry has he gone to see the kidS their dads died to tell them your fathers were heros...Cheap publicity.

Anonymous said...

This is just sad....I read a book a while back..this guy was a general but left after bn disillusioned bout the army...methinks people who plan wars should go ahead and fight them themselves..this is just senseless (val stops ranting)..

but I agree...this makes a better headline than the usual "Prince Harry wearing a Nazi arm band"...etc

candybox said...

Nakeel and Val can i hear an AMEN?

Anonymous said...

Amen!!! (lol...I miss my primo choir practise sessions:)

Anonymous said...

LOL! Cool entry

Esquire of the mountain said...

I can't understand why the british like appearin to be sensitive to "colored" people, its so hypocrtical, blacks make up only 2 % of british pop but every ad with more than 1 person will feature a black person, sheesh, am told even kids' dolls now need2 incl 1 black person! All a face coz privately they probably call us niggers!